01 comedor cocina

This Apartment in Spain Was Transformed for Less Than $11,000


“We worked with basic and inexpensive materials such as the iron shelving in the kitchen, which was bought in an industrial park, pine wood boards, and affordable textiles,” they say.

Image may contain Home Decor Chair Furniture Couch Rug Architecture Building Indoors Living Room Room and Bench

“The original cement tiles had been covered by other floor treatments over the past 100 years—the space was even a paint warehouse at one point. We removed spilled paint, a layer of linoleum, and a layer of glue before we got down to the tile that had been installed throughout the apartment.”

In total, the cost of the renovation was less than 2,000 euros, although, if they had hired help (which, as architects, they would recommend) it would have come out closer to 10,000 euros, or less than $11,000, still a very reasonable price. The key to keeping within such a tight budget is to approach a renovation as they did: Carefully considering the best way to achieve the goals of the project and always finding ways to keep it limited in scale, keeping any demolition to a minimum (they removed only two partition walls), choosing to restore only part of the floor rather than the entire thing, and designing a kitchen with very basic materials, and no cabinets or drawers.

Image may contain Corner Indoors Interior Design Floor Flooring Chair Furniture Art Painting and Window

The central patio is a jewel at the center of the house. The Moustache chair and stool are from Mobi Mobiliario.


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